Cambridge Day с Марком Ибботсоном 6.11.18

Представительство Издательства Кембриджского университета в России (Cambridge University Press) приглашает преподавателей АНГЛИЙСКОГО языка принять участие в мастер-классе автора и спикера Cambridge University Press Марка Ибботсона (Mark Ibbotson). Выступление состоится 6 ноября в Санкт-Петербурге в рамках Cambridge Day в АППО.

Safe Speaking Environments
Выступление Марка Ибботсона в Санкт-Петербурге

6 ноября 2018 года (вторник)
16:00 – 17:30
АППО, ул. Ломоносова, д. 11, Актовый зал

Программа мероприятия

15:30 – 16:00 — Сбор зарегистрированных слушателей, книжная выставка
16:00 – 17:30 — Выступление Марка Ибботсона ‘Safe Speaking Environments’
17:30 – 18:00 — Выдача сертификатов

Участие в мероприятии бесплатно, по предварительной регистрации.

О спикере:

At school, Mark Ibbotson was told he had a talent for writing, so he used his abundant imagination to plot a highly original career path. He studied civil engineering and management, spent the early part of his career working as a construction manager, retrained as an English teacher, moved to France, and worked as an in-company trainer specializing in business and technical English — before finally becoming an author of professional and general English courses for adults (Professional English in Use. Engineering, Cambridge English for Engineering, Business Start-Up and others).

О теме выступления:

Many people “learn English”, but very often they don’t really speak English. The problem starts in the classroom, where students are frequently reluctant to participate in speaking activities due to fear of judgement and lack of engagement. Since most learners assess their progress in English by their ability to speak, this leads to a feeling of not progressing and loss of motivation. This workshop will explore practical ways to tackle this problem by creating a Safe Speaking Environment.
