Cambridge Summer Day 2014

CUPИздательство Кембриджского университета и ресурсный центр “Cambridge English-SPb” приглашают вас на семинары Уэйна Риммера (Wayne Rimmer), которые будут проходить в рамках курсовой работы СПб АППО.

16 июня 2014 г., 12:00-14:30

СПб АППО, ул. Ломоносова, дом 11, Лекционный зал


12:00-13:00 “Grammar activities”

You cannot be a successful language learner without grammar. Everyone knows this but students can find grammar difficult and boring. The skill of the teacher is to make new language engaging and fun for learners of all levels.

13:00-13:15 Break

13:15-14:15 “Teaching to the Russian State Exam”

It isn’t easy to prepare school students for a high-stakes language test. You need to give teenagers the language and skills to pass while using a methodology which will motivate them. Exam Success“, the title of a new Cambridge ЕГЭ preparation book, is designed to make the exam painless and even fun!

14:15-14:30 Questions, certificates

Wayne RimmerWayne Rimmer – Biodata


With a degree in linguistics from Cambridge University, Wayne Rimmer is a teacher and materials writer. He is currently contributing to a new coursebook series for Cambridge University Press.



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