Вебинар Pearson: English at the Pre-Primary Level

Pearson Webinar

Издательство “Пирсон” приглашает преподавателей английского языка на ВЕБИНАР

Seeing, touching, making, reacting

– English at the pre-primary level

7 февраля

с 16:00 до 17:30 по московскому времени

In this webinar, we will look at children’s perceptions and attitudes to learning English at a pre-primary level. We will also investigate why certain classroom practices seem to be working more effectively that others, and what bearing it has on the selection of activities to be used with pre-primary children. Expect a bit of psychology, classroom-driven research and a lot of practical solutions.

Выдается сертификат участника.


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English at the pre-primary level

